What is CGT test?
- CGT is an advanced carrier genetic test, which determines whether a couple are carriers of genetic mutations that could be transmitted to their children.
- CGT uses Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) to analyse a wide panel of disorders including as Cystic Fibrosis, Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Fragile-X Syndrome.
Our New Universal approach to expanded carrier screening using Whole Exome Sequencing
CGT Plus
Examines a larger list of genes associated with over 500 genetic conditions. This panel-based test is recommended when both individuals in a reproductive couple are seeking CGT to find out if they might be carriers of the same genetic condition(s), or when individuals are looking to donate eggs/sperm.
CGT Mirror
A test that facilitates “mirroring” a carrier screening test performed by a different genetic testing laboratory to ensure that the two panels include the same genes. Panels can vary between laboratories and over time. CGT Mirror can be considered when one member of the reproductive couple has already had carrier screening and the other member wishes to have a similar panel of genes tested.
CGT Sequential
May be considered when one individual in a reproductive couple (one partner or a sperm/egg donor) is a known carrier of one or more autosomal recessive genetic conditions. CGT Sequential can be ordered for the reproductive partner and includes analysis of the gene(s) of interest. The optional analysis of X-linked conditions is available for biologically female patients.